Procurement in Public Sector

We provide comprehensive legal and advisory services to public administration bodies and their partners in the field of public procurement. Our clients include domestic and foreign suppliers, grant recipients and grantors, and participants in administrative proceedings.

We represent clients in proceedings conducted by the Office for the Protection of Economic Competition, financial authorities, building authorities, and other state administration bodies, as well as in proceedings before courts.

For contracting authorities:

  • Comprehensive advisory services in the field of public procurement for both public and sectoral contracting authorities and grant-receiving entities.
  • Services related to the administration of public procurement – preparation of tender documentation and representation of the contracting authority before the Office for the Protection of Economic Competition.

For participants:

  • Advisory and document preparation for participants in public procurement procedures – bids, queries, objections, and other activities during the procurement process.
  • Representation of participants before the Competition Authority.

For the public sector:

  • Performing administrative tasks as an administrative authority – misdemeanor agenda.
  • Advisory services in the field of local government law.
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