
In the field of art transactions, including international ones, we are experts in preparing contractual documentation in this specific and currently rapidly growing area, where art holds a unique position compared to other tradable commodities due to its uniqueness, irreplaceability, and high investment potential.

We specialize in the field of trading art objects, import and export regulations, associated restrictions, verification of provenance and authenticity, contractual arrangements for sales, loans, or exhibitions of artworks. We work for prominent personalities and institutions in the Czech art scene.

  • Comprehensive legal advisory services in the matters of trading art objects and items of cultural value, export restrictions, export permits.
  • Advisory services for exhibiting, trading, transporting, and insuring art objects.
  • Advisory regarding legal issues of origin and authenticity of art objects
  • Advocacy for art galleries (trading, storage of art objects)
  • Advisory for investors in the field of art investment
  • Legal representation in the transactional process involving art objects
  • Thorough consultancy in AML (Anti-Money Laundering) matters associated with trading or brokering art objects
  • Advisory on legal aspects of trading art objects through electronic communication means
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